}@@|@HH*GD(8HH*0dF0l'rT0Pl r0r ur0 C@ sDJ    { MAGICPIC@p:M@ sDJJ     Epilogue:        1.01  1.03   Giffer 1.08        Steve Blackstock  Random Dot Software  40 Bartlett Ave.  Lexington, MA 02173    !Giffer version 1.08 (May, 1990)    Giffer, an image display program for the Macintosh II, is Copyright 1988, 89, 90 by Stephen Blackstock, who reserves all rights to its distribution and sale.    \ Giffer is Beerware. If you like it and use it, please send me a case of beer (or $20 so I can buy one). If you do send me something, I'll make you a registered user of Giffer, and that will entitle you to receive news about Giffer updates. I plan to work on Giffer a lot more, so this update news might be beneficial if you like the program.         What is Giffer?    Jwcq xoyEtom TMls%IׯyR.wTb s2_6 ZT(-'/)mY,bRwzuOk06 ZT(O-'/)@ť@2brc ť@1brՑhw.wPuOks2O-' Ց/u /4brqwRbs Zť@wb+P/5`ťH.GF TA2y Q5 uT /4br] ZTAw_ub5woyPa2O-' mog0Io.I xmmT-s!8v_gF,Prx|% ovhm\OyP0q %S/.qaO, wSwr+cI1Mg  .2-u4. Giffer was written as a utility to display images stored in GIF, or Graphics Interchange Format. GIF is a graphics compression and storage standard developed and Copyrighted by CompuServe Information Service and H&R Block Company. GIF is useful for storing color images of arbitrary size for at least two reasons: it is a file format that is completely computer-independent, and it incorporates a compression scheme that allows file sizes to be just fractions of image sizes. GIF files can be created and viewed on any computer, provided that there exists software with these capabilities. Currently, the Macintosh II family of computers are about the best personal computers for displaying color graphics, so they are excellent machines on which to view GIF images. B < ? b e       In addition to GIF files, Giffer can display and encode PICT files (the kind MacDraw can produce), PICT resources with ID=0 (the kind you can use for a Startup Screen on the Mac II), and QDV files. QDV format, developed byRandom Dot Software, is a simple color image storage format that does not use compression. If you wish to use QDV format, please contact Random Dot Software at the address listed above. Giffer can also READ, but not WRITE, ThunderScan SCAN image files. Z   8 < c g     O R     /Here's a brief summary of the different types:    - GIF    v Graphics Interchange Format, an image compression and encoding standard developed by CompuServe Information Service    - ThunderScan Scan Image      Scan Image files are produced by ThunderScan digitization hardware and software. They hold 32 gray levels of information per pixel. ThunderScan is produced and trademarked by ThunderWare, Inc.    - QDV    E These files are used mainly by the author of Giffer and a few others who wish to display very simply-encoded color images. The format will not be of interest to most users of Giffer. However, anyone interested in QDV format may obtain the necessary information by contacting Steve Blackstock at the address listed above.      - picture resource ID=0     Files which have a resource of type PICT with ID=0 are displayable with Giffer. A Macintosh II StartupScreen document is such a file. Giffer will handle files generated by GrayView, another image-display program, written by David Fry, because these files use this format.  & * / 4     - PICT (data fork)     n The standard way to save most graphics objects in files on the Macintosh is by using a PICT data file. This is the type of file that is generated by most drawing and painting programs available for the Macintosh. It is also readable by these programs. Giffer can also save in this format so that images can be viewed and even manipulated with other software.  Y ]     How can I get GIF images?     As of 7/89, over 5000 GIF files in the data libraries in the Pictures Support Forum (GO GALLERY) on CompuServe. This forum is where GIF started and is developing. If you download files from this area, make sure that you don't strip any characters (such as non-printing characters) from the files! Many communications programs for the Macintosh will believe that GIF files are TEXT files, since they are not encoded in the standard MacBinary format, because they are not Macintosh-specific files. If your communications software strips non-printing characters from these files, what you will end up with is something you can't use at all. This can be a waste of time and money, so it's worth being careful about. Some GIF files may also be available on other on-line services or from public domain libraries in computer user groups. However, CompuServe is certainly the first place to look. N      - n q |      ,What do I do once I have images to look at?  z Run Giffer! Under the file menu, choose the Open command, choose the type of file you wish to open from the pop-up menu at the bottom of the dialog box, and choose the file you wish to open. If you don't see your file in the dialog box after you select the Open command, make sure that you select the correct file type from the pop-up menu at the bottom of the dialog box:  . 3     l.8(_/0t_u+fG_u9Sovmcs%sz9SovhmcM_v zOmb'SP-^mX0+q/Fzc6ag vp%.mogw9_w5p^0+) gP&vc&qt! ZT nobzrq.w10󀶀!!SMls%Ic`2XI  0,09  $  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0@00@%#>f<|x><@% 33&gff033@% 33fff033@$3?f~f0 33@$30f`f0 p33@%31&fbf0 033@%3< `@" 3333#  f`@# 3333 fa@%  ?33 fa@$ 033 f`@$ LLL0130233  fa@%#njx?03  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@ @@@@x@@xp@ə@|@@@ɉ@x|p@@@@@ @@@ @ @@@@@@@@ @`@ @ @ @@@@@@@@1@$@0>3331ǀx0@"@033230@"@0331330@#@033?3?0@#@03303 0 0@$@13#13#331L0@$@>?ǀnjx@@00@@0#0@@@@@@@@@@@@8@@d@@ `xx@@ ff`p@@ ff`8|@@ g`@@ f` @@ f&`L@@ fc`8|x@@@@@@@ @ @ @`@ @$  @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @`@ @ @ @@@@@@0@@ 0@!@ ><@@@@F@@<@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @$@3?lx| ǀ@"@#333 @"@333  @$ @33?3?3 0 @" @330303 ` @# @321313 @@$@<331 x| @@@@@@@ @ @ @`@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@_u?km!&!H T ?gm% b_gG}@c@wg?gmhTd,05d'u@TO,DovyMl?,FAg|5s,Bzekqx,9K+S_u.+cPg0, T_mt |ScA0$RH T_mt FuT/.g6,?k%A?,Sdk'd,9 b@u"sp^wry b-7{ ks.  330 ` 0d 3?0 `d  300 `$d  I310`yom _m"PspuB@uOk0w9 xsp/ux 5pxx sEtomS_moywwz!m\A_wu_gF.IwzPc?gy_u ov%oyPgd?gb_g,_gqu8 TEa2Twh Tޡ2bu0w+2!HPh?' &!P^m`19y_u@ަs(9wx. ddddddd`8?d.-Gw6Ah. c1.04  .5-u4. .6(/9_vy _m''/ywr?2BrQWkow9MZ'g9FxvjmmT-A!/ux+)xťAk%"E*mc+#Psg*Ab_x /u. ddV.7(_/0g`/up+b ouwP\ƇSjhSMg2XI  f%gi&i!gSHx%Oy d  ~qaO,G}O,9GF0!u@+sx dbySu2&s2GFx'/yPTť@mog0{y _mOmb x _mR92aOy_wu.wzjp^wwTw+gF|S }A2 _mu!HP!*%T +@tnbq _mu!Hc+b'/yBg:5+sp%1zb    Q T ddddddd`?ywuG}@uAy T(2&s2vjQI ]H(uH <%q+bw!_u(y+2XuJ,9w+gq, 0_w xoy nobzrq]Mls%Is/'zT. dcc>fddddd"{bAG}@cI`uY T    !   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The windowed image can actually be larger than the screen, so you might not actually see all of the windowed image. You can do some manipulating of the windowed image: You can move it around, stretch it in both directions, and shift scan lines in it. However, what you do to the windowed image has no effect on the memorized one, until you select Memorize Image from the ImageStorage menu. Memorize Image will replace the current memorized image with the windowed image. * 1 4           GICPIC)Here's a brief summary of menu commands:   File Menu:  Open Use this command and the subsequent dialog box to select the type of file you wish to open, and the particular file you wish to open.  Close Use this command to close the frontmost window. You can also use the close box in the upper left corner of a window to close it.  jGet Info Use this command to get information about the dimensions and color table of the memorized image.    HSave as Use this command to save the memorized image to disk in a specified format. You will be saving the MEMORIZED image, not the windowed image. You may save any memorized image in any of four formats: GIF file, QDV file, Startup Screen, and Picture (PICT). Select the desired file format from the pop-up menu at the bottom of the dialog box that appears after selecting Save as. If you save as a GIF file, you will be presented a dialog box showing you the progress of GIF compression. You might need to be patient here. Compression can take a while, and sometimes does. f         {        Remember that saving saves the memorized image. If you try to save when the memorized image and the windowed image are different, Giffer will present the following dialog box:      KGG/u'SI`סx'kq@xu.I`x ^g&9d,9C_mu1OvAOvg%/./u/,y_uZ A% x$bRcmogwy_u Ab9P{|P0gou+T~vPXG}@%mokI`ס_u ].P_ubAuob_u G/u'?gGF z P_b&s ER@T.Ղ+סPsi E5_Sa@sc!d&!2/GF z@HSju:.GG/u'SE'!xu9CSgW1. T?' c P?' AG/u! z j;rjX c+by_u5_Sax׈u0% PrT_bobyw_u _v@+ס%bwa0%SE t_u/u +yE&*uZ5 y_uP!?g.52l 5_Sa TmTsOmbu?.N   0 3     C F    30 ``@%#x?3>< `@" 3333#  f`@# 3333 fa@%  ?33 fa@$ 033 f`@$ LLL0130233  fa@%# _x!9WspDogw?gIP _w0+^'Sky9 k0`T s?vxbz%AwS+uHTwzcqPc"x!9 Fg uHTI w_wy_uPogwspw+_u th?grbdTx_mmOyw0+w9_w0cPv2PgwbR%]/.y_u Fp+'*&@]ws,y_uz! mrb+?ubd0g?gws.w+ogqO,y_u cXՂ+w9_wuS@+?ubdy_u c/'%"_mUbTw+ ou'SPX?grbd`w9_wRTvxbA`wmokrPP?' rX%T ggsp]rbd !Prxvw9_w $  0 6 7 U @@@@@ @@@ @ @@@@@@@w9_wSzs:Kx0sg*b_x0+q@G{ Cws.P0|s cogPAwspu_'Au%wrR@n|bu8Tz%x?vxb ? s!Mw+|/uABR/'+.qaO,+%"_mg T1@]wspxR0+APu?' !*%gF/. 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